
Sunday, December 30, 2012

Laundry Essentials

After J moved in, I became in charge of the laundry. My mother raised me with a very specific love for laundry, and laundry done right. This is why J is in charge of dishes - we're trying to split housework as evenly as possible in this house! My mom got us two items that made my laundry nights 100x easier. I recommend these items (both bought at the Container Store) as they are lifesavers.

number one: the three section hamper

As much as I love a pretty fancy wicker hamper, this simple cloth/metal hamper has made sorting laundry so easy. We leave the left section for whites, the middle section for cold wash, and the right for everything else. This way I see which section is filling up, and I can throw a load of laundry in the second I see the bin getting full. It also cuts down on my sorting-through-dirty-laundry time, which no one likes to do anyway. The bin is also removable and washable, so if it starts taking on a stink its easy to care for too! It's also on wheels, so it can easily travel from our bathroom to the laundry with minimal complaining on my part.

number two: expandable garment rack

This guy comes in handy during laundry, and also while packing for trips. The clothes dry quicker on the rack rather than shoved hanging in a closet, so it helps my laundry turnover time. When packing for trips, I hang up clothes to be packed on the rack, and it makes it easier to visualize gaps in my vacation wardrobe. Its expandable and can be easily shoved into my walk-in closet when we have guests or want to keep things tidy.

What simple items make your life easier?

Friday, December 28, 2012

New Years Do-solution

I've never really been one to write New Years Resolutions down, or even really plan any out ahead of time. Getting married this month has made me want to think more forward into the coming year, and along with that I've started a rough list of resolutions.

The list is made out of verbs, because I think I'll do better with having to add to my life rather than take away. Do-solutions. More specifically, J and I are building a life together now, with new traditions, goals, dreams, both together and separately. It will be a year of trying new things, testing the waters and a list of verbs to guide me seems to fit just fine.

1. Do. Over the next 12 months, I want to make a solid effort to try to do more. See more, taste more, try more. We're homebodies by nature, and quite comfortable in our routines, and it wouldn't hurt to make more of an effort to get outside the house. This is really a carryover from this past summer, where we went to free concerts, had picnics and started geocaching regularly. I just want us to try things, both separately and as a couple, in an effort learn some more about ourselves and what we like. And to spend more time together doing new, fun things. Nothing fancy, no grand must haves, just do.

2. Use. Ever since J moved in, the sheer amount of products we have accumulated scares me. That, and the fact that we have a Costco membership and I work at a large retail chain. Sales and coupons haunt us, and then all of a sudden we have 13 (what?!! sick, I know) bottles of body wash. Three toilet bowl cleaners. I have countless half used bottles of lotion, face cream, tons of samples...its never ending. So until these things are all used, J and I are on use-up-or-get-rid-of-our-crap duty. Yet again, this is another carryover from the past few months. I've found if I only leave one of each item within hands reach, I can't use a different lotion every day. I have to use the one that is out, and the more I use that one bottle, the sooner it will declutter our tiny space. I'll probably set another paper bag out in the bathroom to collect our empty bottles, just to see how long it takes us so I can more properly plan on how much to buy in bulk. And for some reason, it feels really good to finish something!

3. Appreciate. Its been a very good year for J and myself. We had three very exciting vacations, we got married, we got jobs. Some around us have had really horrible, life-changing years and the majority of people fall in between. I don't want to get stuck in the rut of complaining about the little things, when big picture things really are going so well for us. I want to be thankful for the little things, the small moments, the good we have in our lives. Its an effort to stop wasting my time worrying or stressing or complaining and just breathe and appreciate my life.

So, there are my resolutions. Nothing crazy, no promise to be at the gym 3 days a week, no set up for failure. Just a list of three verbs that will hopefully keep us running through what is sure to be another busy, amazing year. Now lets see where the next 12 months take us!