My first obsession came from antique art-deco rings. Mostly I was drooling over rings like this:

My biggest concern with these was that I liked SOME of the antique rings, but not all. I had a hard time explaining what I liked and what I didn't like, and I was nervous to let J know this was what I was lusting after if I couldn't place what it was. I knew he wasn't comfortable buying online either, so I kept browsing.
Next on my I MUST HAVE IT list was found on Etsy. I fell in love with morganite halo rings, and showed J. He quickly vetoed this choice as he was set on me having a diamond and a ring that would stand the test of time. I still love rings like this though, but I'm glad he had me keep searching!

On a similar vein, I soon started swooning over bezels. I knew we had started narrowing down my search at this point, because I started to take on my more practical persona. I will have a job that I use my hands quite a bit, need to wear gloves at work, etc. I wanted something I could wear every day without being paranoid. I also wanted something comfortable, and with a substantial weight to it. With more research, I started falling for bezels. First, the more medieval-looking type...

But when J and I were browsing Tiffany's one day, we found a ring that I soon crossed off my list...only to have it haunt me. I was terrified of the price-tag that comes with a name brand, and I told J to forget about the ring and that I would keep looking. But after a few days (and possibly a meltdown, HIMYM and a glass of wine?) the ring was purchased, a few weeks passed, and I was engaged and wearing the ring of my dreams. (All photos below are my own)
The style is the Tiffany Bezel in a platinum setting. The band on the ring is round all around, and incredibly comfortable to wear. I've shown a side profile to show how low it sits: perfectly comfortable for my activity level! I love wearing it, and though I know its not everyones taste, it makes me so incredibly happy to glance down and it 1000x a day!
What about you, how do you feel about bezels? How much did practicality play a role in choosing your ring?
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