What simple items make your life easier?
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Laundry Essentials
What simple items make your life easier?
Friday, December 28, 2012
New Years Do-solution
The list is made out of verbs, because I think I'll do better with having to add to my life rather than take away. Do-solutions. More specifically, J and I are building a life together now, with new traditions, goals, dreams, both together and separately. It will be a year of trying new things, testing the waters and a list of verbs to guide me seems to fit just fine.
1. Do. Over the next 12 months, I want to make a solid effort to try to do more. See more, taste more, try more. We're homebodies by nature, and quite comfortable in our routines, and it wouldn't hurt to make more of an effort to get outside the house. This is really a carryover from this past summer, where we went to free concerts, had picnics and started geocaching regularly. I just want us to try things, both separately and as a couple, in an effort learn some more about ourselves and what we like. And to spend more time together doing new, fun things. Nothing fancy, no grand must haves, just do.
2. Use. Ever since J moved in, the sheer amount of products we have accumulated scares me. That, and the fact that we have a Costco membership and I work at a large retail chain. Sales and coupons haunt us, and then all of a sudden we have 13 (what?!! sick, I know) bottles of body wash. Three toilet bowl cleaners. I have countless half used bottles of lotion, face cream, tons of samples...its never ending. So until these things are all used, J and I are on use-up-or-get-rid-of-our-crap duty. Yet again, this is another carryover from the past few months. I've found if I only leave one of each item within hands reach, I can't use a different lotion every day. I have to use the one that is out, and the more I use that one bottle, the sooner it will declutter our tiny space. I'll probably set another paper bag out in the bathroom to collect our empty bottles, just to see how long it takes us so I can more properly plan on how much to buy in bulk. And for some reason, it feels really good to finish something!
3. Appreciate. Its been a very good year for J and myself. We had three very exciting vacations, we got married, we got jobs. Some around us have had really horrible, life-changing years and the majority of people fall in between. I don't want to get stuck in the rut of complaining about the little things, when big picture things really are going so well for us. I want to be thankful for the little things, the small moments, the good we have in our lives. Its an effort to stop wasting my time worrying or stressing or complaining and just breathe and appreciate my life.
So, there are my resolutions. Nothing crazy, no promise to be at the gym 3 days a week, no set up for failure. Just a list of three verbs that will hopefully keep us running through what is sure to be another busy, amazing year. Now lets see where the next 12 months take us!
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Homemade Italian Seasoning Mix
Friday, June 22, 2012
Missing Vacation
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Flowers and studying
All we've been doing this week is studying, and taking finals. Seeing all the beautiful flowers blooming in my parents yard and on our walks to school have been our saving grace. Soon this will be over and we'll be able to enjoy much more!
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Greeting Card Books
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Don't be so serious!
When I announced my engagement to my school friends, everyone was surprised but very happy for me and J. But once we began discussing our potential destinations, there was a lot of judgment. "You mean you're not going to invite everyone from school?" got brought up a lot. At first my response was easy: politely state we're having an intimate wedding with immediate family and close friends. When we started getting involved in our actual wedding planning, I was surprised at how "honest" (aka mean) some of my classmates came off. People let me know that I was crazy, that I was sacrificing my real wants, that I was rushing into planning and that I was making bad decisions. To put it nicely, I was shocked.
I don't have the thickest skin, and these comments stung me deeply. Its not that I expected everyone to understand our decision, but I was not expecting so much negativity. And this broke my heart! My wedding (and its planning) is meant to be a happy time, for excitement and happy thoughts. Instead, I found myself consistently surrounded by negative nellies.
So J and I made some decisions: smile politely at people who were expressing their opinions to us, and do the best to not let it get to us. Essentially: don't take everything so seriously! We did a lot of hand squeezing and eye contact trying to get through awkward moments, and at the end of the day we got through it. There will be more comments and more disappointment, but the key is to remember at the end of the day, we're getting married and it will be beautiful. And it will start the rest of our life just as we want to. What disappointment have you struggled with during your wedding process?
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
We Are Nerds
But so far, for us it has been nothing but a ridiculously fun hobby. We've found some new spots that we love in Chicago (like the Cancer Survivors Garden near Millennium Park) and we've had some fun swearing over trying to find what we're looking for. We've introduced J's brother to the game, and now him and his friends are hooked, too!
Overseas geocaching is much more popular, so we want wait to grab some while in Poland and Prague. And we can't wait to make a 30 day streak happen sometime soon!
What's a random nerdy hobby that you love?
Monday, April 23, 2012
Teal, greens, blue and gold
These have been my color inspirations, which are palettes of blue and turquoise, with ivory, champagne and antique gold. I'm still unsure of what color the bridesmaid dresses will be, but I'm not obsessed with pinning down any of these colors exactly. I'm happy with the darkest teal, to the lightest seafoam and everything in between. Really I just want things to look beachy without being too cheesy, classic, a bit whimsical and elegant.
Friday, April 20, 2012
DIY Inspiration
Happy Yummy Friday
When your day starts out like this, all you gotta do is smile... Happy weekend, friends!
Monday, April 16, 2012
Lacking Motivation
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Friday Snapshot
J and I went on our first day in months last night. It was so nice to get dressed up, hold hands and spend a fun, relaxing night out. We went to see the Hunger Games and we both really enjoyed it, even though I'm the only one that's read it! We need to make more of an effort to spend some evenings out together. How do you and your partners plan dates? How often do you go out?
Friday, April 13, 2012
Kate Spade Love!
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Saving Money
Hairy Typical
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Why Costco (sort of) Saved the Day
A flight from Chicago to Cabo San Lucas is currently $710. This hurts my soul, as we spent just over $800 to go to Poland. But we accepted our loss, realized its completely out of our control, and started searching for ways to get the best possible deal we could.
First, we contacted American Airlines (1 of 2 airlines that flies direct to Cabo from Chicago) and got a discount rate of 5%. Not huge, but not bad in the big scheme of things.
Next up, we scouted out our best credit card with the best rewards. Oddly enough, this happened to be tied between our Costco American Express and my personal American Express card. This is another post for another day, but I sort of kind of maybe totally love Costco. So one random Thursday we were walking through, buying too much of things we probably didn't need in the first place, and I came across AA gift cards. You purchase them for $270 and they are worth $300. This, my friends, was awesome. They also never expire, so it wasn't something that had to be purchased with worry I wouldn't travel soon enough.
We ended up purchasing 9 cards for our 4 tickets. Between our discount code and our gift cards, we saved $388. Sure, it seems tiny, but when all the expenses were adding up like crazy, and I was desperate for good news, this was a lifesaver and saved me another night of wine and HIMYM. I've passed on the details to my guests, and I hope they find SOME excitement in this little savings! We also ended up get 2% cash back on our giftcard purchase, which was $48.60. So all in all, $436.60 which we can now spend on something else...like avocados by the bushel at Costco!
I probably wouldn't advocate getting a Costco membership JUST to purchase these, but if you already have one I would check it out. Not all the stores carry these specific gift cards, so it warrants a phone call before you start trekking around the world looking for them. Check out their other gift cards when you're there - we're probably going to pick up some restaurant ones next time we stop by!
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Little Red Book
Organizing: Finances

I was clearly swayed by the clever name (Organizher) the pretty flower design and my favorite gray and white palette. The plan was to spend one month collecting our receipts to monitor our spending, create a monthly budget, and to keep all our bills in one place. As you can see, the only success we had was collecting our receipts. For one month. And other than that, the book remains empty...
While our intentions were good, we didn't have the best follow through. The plan is to again start come June, and to have a budget in place before we start spending. Anyone really good with the family budget and have some good tips on how to stay organized?
Revealed: My Engagement Ring!
My first obsession came from antique art-deco rings. Mostly I was drooling over rings like this:

My biggest concern with these was that I liked SOME of the antique rings, but not all. I had a hard time explaining what I liked and what I didn't like, and I was nervous to let J know this was what I was lusting after if I couldn't place what it was. I knew he wasn't comfortable buying online either, so I kept browsing.
Next on my I MUST HAVE IT list was found on Etsy. I fell in love with morganite halo rings, and showed J. He quickly vetoed this choice as he was set on me having a diamond and a ring that would stand the test of time. I still love rings like this though, but I'm glad he had me keep searching!

On a similar vein, I soon started swooning over bezels. I knew we had started narrowing down my search at this point, because I started to take on my more practical persona. I will have a job that I use my hands quite a bit, need to wear gloves at work, etc. I wanted something I could wear every day without being paranoid. I also wanted something comfortable, and with a substantial weight to it. With more research, I started falling for bezels. First, the more medieval-looking type...

But when J and I were browsing Tiffany's one day, we found a ring that I soon crossed off my list...only to have it haunt me. I was terrified of the price-tag that comes with a name brand, and I told J to forget about the ring and that I would keep looking. But after a few days (and possibly a meltdown, HIMYM and a glass of wine?) the ring was purchased, a few weeks passed, and I was engaged and wearing the ring of my dreams. (All photos below are my own)
The style is the Tiffany Bezel in a platinum setting. The band on the ring is round all around, and incredibly comfortable to wear. I've shown a side profile to show how low it sits: perfectly comfortable for my activity level! I love wearing it, and though I know its not everyones taste, it makes me so incredibly happy to glance down and it 1000x a day!
What about you, how do you feel about bezels? How much did practicality play a role in choosing your ring?
Monday, April 9, 2012
Wine, beach, or other beach?
Our criteria was simple (and probably should have included more parameters, but you live and you learn!):
1. Must be somewhere either one of us has been before OR
2. Must be somewhere we could easily travel to scout out locations.
This quickly narrowed down our list, as the only time J has traveled is for Army-related trips, and I haven't exactly jet-setted around the world myself. Our travel distance to scout out locations was also limited by a) budget and b) time. So we started at the top, and worked our way day.
Our first option was Napa; J and I both are huge winos, and we were obsessed with the beautiful landscapes and the promise of amazing food. These plans were quickly squashed once we started contacting vendors in the Napa/Sonoma area. I recall one conversation J had with a venue in Sonoma, asking "What is included in the $8500 venue fee?" to which the woman answered "Well...nothing." So after some tears, wine, and How I Met Your Mother (are you sensing a trend yet??) we brushed off the crankiness, and said goodbye to the idea of Napa.
Next on our list of potential locales was the Bahamas. My mom and I had been there earlier in the year, and I had fallen in love. I again contacted some vendors that were of interest to me (and I had firsthand experience with), and my champagne wishes quickly squashed those dreams. We crossed this off my list after I realized the wedding packages at the resorts I was looking at wouldn't include things on our must haves list (private plated seated dinner, for example) and the wedding coordinators attitude was curt to say the least. So the Bahamas were a no-go.
Our last option, and one I hadn't even been considering at this point, was Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. I had been there at Pueblo Bonito Pacifica once before with my parents, and they had gone again because we all had loved it so much. My parents were completely on board with this plan, as they love the resort, and knew it would be beautiful. Soon I got sold on all the amenities and found myself actually EXCITED looking through wedding packages. And as you can tell through all my tears so far, I hadn't exactly been dancing for joy yet! So once I realized the packages were reasonable and fairly customizable, that I was promised privacy and no public crawling by in my beach wedding pictures, I was sold. I'll do a whole 'nother post on the beauty that is our wedding venue, but that's another post for another day!
So there you have it, the bumpy road to the happy ending that is our wedding destination!!
Saturday, April 7, 2012
On Money
I've hinted that I am not the Wedding Bride. My biggest mistake, I think, was grabbing a bunch of wedding magazines and looking at wedding planners/books in the self-help section. I'm pretty sure I broke out into hives, and J had to quiet me down, purchase our items and then drive me home while I started sobbing and hyperventilating.
My biggest issue is this: weddings are expensive. My parents have told me they will be paying for my wedding, and this is incredibly generous. It also makes me feel guilty beyond belief. They have been so helpful in my life, financially as well as emotionally, and I know I will never be able to repay them for all the good they have done in my life. And though they reassured me they would love nothing more than to spoil me rotten for my wedding day, I started to get heart palpitations for the costs of our impending wedding.
The magazines blew everything I was thinking majorly out of proportion. Articles on how to plan a "budget" wedding for $100,000? How a DIY wedding was "such a bargain!" at $15,000?? The dresses, the bridesmaid gifts, everything had huge dollar signs and it honestly made me cry. All I knew was this: I loved J, I wanted nothing more than to marry him and begin our life as husband and wife. And yes, I wanted to celebrate it in a special, and meaningful (and once-in-a-lifetime) sort of way.
So to calm me down, J did what a logical, rational man did: he turned on How I Met Your Mother and a glass of wine, and reminded me that everything will be okay. And guess what? It is. Have I had breakdowns about money since? Absolutely. But once budgets were set, and everything was discussed, it was all transparent and I could breathe a sigh of relief.
My point is this: don't buy into all the hype. Don't get swept away with all the gorgeous pictures, details, and dollar signs. Remember the point of the event, what it means to you, and what it represents. This has ended up being my wedding mantra: remember what is the most important to you, be honest, and do what feels right.
Friday, April 6, 2012
Timing is Everything
Originally we were set on getting married in July - until we realized it would be a huge time crunch with either no time off before or after the wedding. We also knew we'd be traveling to our location (more on that later!) so soon our schedule had pushed us into the logical decision: a December wedding!
Ultimately we came to December 1st, 2012 as the sweet spot: after Thanksgiving, before Christmas, and it also coincided with our 18th month anniversary! It also gave us (and our guests) plenty of time to plan. We wanted to be mindful of timing for ourselves, and for our families and friends. The holidays can be stressful timing, but we hoped that with enough notice ahead of time, plans could be made for everyone who wanted to attend. And with two busy graduate students, timing is everything!
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Guest Lists Start the Party
A lot of women (and men!) say they have dreamt about their wedding day for since they were little. To be honest, I had never thought of what my wedding would look like, and I didn’t have a lot of needs. Although that’s sort of a lie too…mostly, I knew what I DIDN’T want.
The first problem I have with weddings is the expectations. People expect weddings to have certain aspects, and most of these made me slightly nauseous. Bridal parties, seating arrangements, familial expectations, the works. Not to mention I hate 99% of bridal gowns I’ve ever seen online or in person. I also knew that I have close to no family in the U.S., and my side of any type of wedding would be very small. Especially when compared to my fiancĂ©’s 100+ cousins. So our first decision: keep the size of the wedding manageable.
Again, this is what worked for us, and ultimately for our families. We decided that our guest list would dictate where and when we would have the wedding, so it was logical for us to start there. So the day after we got engaged, we sat down together and made a list of our Must Haves: the people in our lives that we absolutely needed to have at our wedding, and we would make that happen regardless. We did a concentric circle method: us in the middle, and our VIP’s in the circles moving out. Sort of like this awesome graphic:
Clearly this isn’t our actual guest list, but that’s how our thought process went. All of our guests are incredibly important to us, but we really wanted to focus on people we wanted to be surrounded with on our wedding, and not simply invite people out of obligation.
So there you have it, how we began our wedding planning! Next up: Where in the world will we get married?!
New York, New York
J, my parents and I took a trip to NYC a few weeks ago, and it was an eventful trip. We spent about half our time walking, and half our time eating. Sprinkle in some spring weather, wedding dress shopping and people watching , and you get a nearly perfect vacation! Below are some phone pictures that give a glimpse of our busy trip.
Times Square!
Amazing blooming trees in Central Park
Flowers everywhere!